You will read out of this newsletter, that in Cambodia the new year begins in mid-April, and since this date we have been in the Year of the Dragon.

In February I was able to spend a month in Battambang – at the beginning or at the end of the year, depending on how you look at it. They were very intensive weeks with many discussions, involving the management team, in which we evaluated the past few months and discussed upcoming changes. We were also able to sign a partnership agreement with a further university, the “National University Of Battambang”, and open our public Lighthouse Library on our campus. It was a successful event and we now offer a new service for our city with over 1,500 books.

What was less pleasant, was that I had a serious car accident. Thank God I got off lightly, with a small shoulder and collarbone fracture which I still feel, especially when I sleep, and I can’t sleep on my left side yet, while the car was totaled (we were still able to repair it).

Thank you very much for your interest and any form of support! With and through you, our work in Battambang can continue to grow.

I wish you a blessed Year of the Dragon.