At the time I hired Vanna as house father for our “dorm” (now Lighthouse Living) in 2012, I didn’t realize that he would become such a key person for us. Today, 12 years later, I look back at a very positive development of our work together. Vanna was and is an important part of our organization and will still remain a part of us even after his resignation as Executive Director, namely as a board member, for which I am very grateful.

I am also very pleased with our new management team. Bophal is a young woman who knows our projects very well, as she was already a student in Living and then as a student in training and is now actively involved in Learning as a program manager. She will also complete her studies with her major in Management, this August.

With Narith, Pursat is now also represented in the management team. Narith is a wise man who has a good way of dealing with people of all ages and regardless of their status in society.

During the annual SAMfest this coming August, you will hear many updates regarding SAM global’s projects. You will find more information here. You are cordially invited to register there. I will be there too.

At the SAMfest there will be a charity run for our projects. Jael Müller, Nica Bernhardt, Molyna Bernhardt and Rudolf Bernhardt are running for Lighthouse Battambang. All four children ran last year and hope to find even more sponsors this year. You are welcome to sponsor one of these four children. You will not only make them happy, but also us at Lighthouse Battambang. You can find the links in the newsletter and above.

Thank you very much for your loyalty!